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  • 30 Pourmousa St., Somayeh St., Villa St.,
    Tehran - Iran

    +98 21 8880 9808
  • Magenta
    First Floor
    28 February until 07 March , 2025

    Magenta is not a color that can be found in the natural spectrum of light. It is an extra-spectral color, meaning that it is not associated with a single wavelength of light. Instead, it is a combination of red and blue light, which are at opposite ends of the visible spectrum. When our eyes perceive both red and blue light simultaneously, our brains interpret this combination as magenta. This is why magenta is often described as a “made-up” color, as it is a product of our brain’s interpretation of light rather than a direct reflection of a specific wavelength. The current exhibition features works by thirty artists who have utilized magenta and the unique expressions it enables.

    Fereydoun Ave, Seyed reza hoseini, Arsia Moghadam, Mansour Rafiei, poorang piratai, Omid Bonakdar, Sadra mirsharifi, Assurbanipal, Ali Razghandi, Ali Golestane, Farbod Elkaei, Farokh Mahdavi, Farsam sangini, Hadi Hazavei, Hossein Tamjid, Jinoos Taghizadeh, Mehdi Jalali, Niloofar Lohrasbi, Pantea Rahmani, Rana Javadi, Rasool Akbarloo, Rokni Haerizadeh, Sara Abbasian, Shahoo Babaie, Shahpoor Pooyan, Sharvin shahrokh, Yosha Bashir, Seyed Mohamad Mosavat, Ali Malek