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  • 30 Pourmousa St., Somayeh St., Villa St.,
    Tehran - Iran

    +98 21 8880 9808
  • Comic Strip
    Group Exhibition
    September 10 – October 1, 2021

    To many, Comic Strips, as an illustrated story by today’s definition, is considered to date back to the Victorian era, and the year 1837 to be precise, with the advent of The Adventures of Obadiah Oldbuck. That said, the history of illustrated narration can be traced back to Egyptian scrolls, Neolithic terracotta and even illustrations left from the hunter-gatherer in the caves. Speculations on the beginning of Comic Strips notwithstanding, what’s certain is that a narrow connection resides between painting and literature. One of the fruits of such connection is the very Comic Strip; a creative, deep method, occasionally accompanied by satires that could be serious at times, in entertaining disguise, hence, greatly influential.
    On the flip side, considering the image-making, narrative nature of miniature in Iran, from Rab Rashidi to illustrations made by Sani-Ol-Molk for the One thousand and one nights, a stunning proximity between painting and literature can be noticed in the history of illustration in Iran, which would not seem farfetched if we claimed there was a similarity between them and Comic Strips’ essence. Past the loops of illustrative narratives maze, today we stand, watching the artworks of eight young’s fascinated by Comic Strips in “Sequential Art”. These folks offer an occidental aspect of comic strip on the surface of their artworks, yet, delicate and fine shades of East and Middle-East are found simply by deep contemplation. Today and after distancing itself from its idealistic position – getting printed and published in large numbers-, while its main source of publication resides on the internet, here in Soo gallery we intend to create an opportunity for our audience as well as some active artists, to analyze their own narratives face-à-face and through Comic Strips. At the end of the day, the goal that stands far beyond occidental or oriental origins of Comic Strip, is to keep this attitude of encountering the illustration awake, which will lead to a spotlight on the young folks busy dealing with stories and image.

    Ali Pourazar, Ehsan Mirzaee, Metro, Kimiya Panahi, Erfan Salehi, Akvan, Arash Zarifian