Immortal Ending
Rouzbeh Nemati Sharif
One-person Exhibition
April 22 – May 9, 2022
The artworks of this exhibition, which are the result of the past three years are based on three aspects of violence:
– Subjective violence (direct physical violence)
– Objective violence (ideological violence, discrimination, and …)
– systemic violence (catastrophic effects of economical And political systems)
Violence has emerged from the beginning of human history in various forms and each form has produced a new form in the direction of another end, and it seems that violence is like an immortal ending. Direct confrontation with violence is inherently disgusting, and hatred of these actions and sympathy for their survivors, like a decoy keep us away. A realistic approach to this issue always fails. In this series, I have tried to use the elements of color, forms and metaphorical look at the description without place which is specific to art and provide an opportunity for a conscious and rational look that untied the knot. This artistic description is an effect detached from the text, A manifestation that corresponds to the existing world reality and takes its inherent form out of this complex and confusing reality.