Painting Teaches
One-person Exhibition
December 24 – January 10, 2021
Painting gives us the great gift of teaching how to touch, observe and follow. It is said that painting reveals the unseen. And despite its spiritual tone, this sentence appears earthly. The arts have always conquered the sky by the earth. What fuses my enthusiasm in painting with curiosity is the most earthly part of art which is the painting material. My interest in observation is as a scientists in this field. What are the capabilities of the material? How do the combinations I think of work? Eccentrically employing materials and even utilizing unfamiliar materials in painting is the destiny I am after. Nonfigurative tendency provides more freedom to watch the interactions of elements. And that is why my paintings more than geometry, abstract shapes or illusions of objects, lets the realities flow. Realities that are concealed from the eyes. They recount the transformation of the materials, their combination and their destiny at a particular time which is the painting time. Footprints and escapes create the atmosphere of the present paintings. Light but heavy things that represent long distances and tests.
Ali Motamedian
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