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  • 30 Pourmousa St., Somayeh St., Villa St.,
    Tehran - Iran

    +98 21 8880 9808
  • Cardle
    Khodadad Seydi
    One-person exhibition
    July 15 to August 1, 2022

    A cradle is a place to remember.
    A cradle is a time to observe.
    A cradle is a painter’s childlike imagination and what has passed before their eyes and has become etched into their soul. In order to illustrate the landscapes of their inner cradle of past thoughts, far and near from their minds, to all the selves that have passed by in the past and have become intertwined with their soul.

    (Gahvareh) is the name of a beautiful region near Kermanshah (Ekbatan) where this painter was born and spent his youth and at present, he has traveled to this cradle and created a collection of paintings using all the love within him for his motherland to illustrate this Cradle on his canvases.